How to maintain leather sofa

by:James Bond Furniture     2021-01-16
With the development of The Times, the improvement of the quality of life. People also more and more high to the requirement of the' target='_blank'>sofa. In sofa furniture market, many people choose leather sofa, think class is high. And than cloth art sofa is easy to clean. A good leather sofa price from several thousand to tens of thousands, even hundreds of thousands of. Buy back, in addition to sit it, sofa is actually need maintenance. But many people don't know to maintain sofa, or don't know how to maintain the sofa.

we jas emperor furniture co. , LTD. , mainly to do stainless steel leather sofa. Products are foreign classic modern furniture designer. Products meet European export standards, has 12 years of export experience. After-sales promise, replacement, 7 days a year warranty.

below I to tell everyone about the leather sofa maintain some skills: 1. Dermal sofa must be placed in a relatively flat on the floor, the best match on carpet or floor MATS. 2. As far as possible the number of people can not more than actually sit on the sofa, don't sit on dermal sofa armrest. 3. Don't stand on dermal sofa or jump on it, so it is easy to cause the spring sag. 4. Not in the sun point-blank, can cause the ageing of leather sofa leather. 5. Dermal sofa must be at least 5 cm distance from metope, such ability have sufficient air space. 6. Take a longer time on sofa, leather sofa leather by hand when leaving smoothing, restorable 7. On the leather sofa maintain at ordinary times, he applied qualitative items scoured off the dirt from the surface. 8. Rain weather, for leather sofa dehumidification, wipe with dry cloth sofa, when having the sun, open the window to the sofa a tan, but not too long. 9. Dermal sofa not to have the cooling object placed too close together. At least more than 80 centimeters of distance. 10. Every one to two months, to do care for sofa leather care agent. 11. Do not use water to clean leather sofa, can make the leather sofa. 12. Don't care sofa with wax quality care agent, it may clog the pores of dermal sofa.
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