Furniture cleaning and maintenance techniques

by:James Bond Furniture     2020-07-29

in the family, how to keep fresh, bright beautiful furniture colour and lustre, household environment with simple but elegant, pure static, is always a headache thing. In daily life, furniture cleaning and maintenance is necessary. Sometimes some mistake of cleaning and maintenance methods, although can temporarily let furniture clean, but actually caused losses to furniture. Jas emperor furniture would now like to introduce you to some of the right maintenance method.

low toothpaste cleaning method

white paint on the surface of the furniture, the day will be a long yellow, not only looks old, but also is not feeling relaxed.

you can dip in with dishcloth toothpaste or was gently deposited in the above, using bleaching of toothpaste, furniture paint color from yellow to white. But when wiping rub of avoid by all means, because the abrasive in the toothpaste was will wear off, the paint will damage the surface of the furniture.

low water cleaning method

painted furniture stained with dirt, can use gauze slightly wet tea leaves to wipe brush, use dry cloth or touch cold water wash, can make furniture especially bright and clean and bright. But the use of tea to wipe furniture, remember to use dip in with clear water with a slightly damp cloth and then wipe clean tea. Because tea is often a tea, residue in furniture paint surface affect the original color.

low milk cleaning method

if milk expired can't drink, don't throw away, can maintain with it furniture. With a clean piece of cloth on the dip in milk, and then use the cloth to wipe the table such as wooden furniture, remove dirt effect is very good. Finally remember to use water to clean it again, or you will have milk is milk residue. This method is suitable for a variety of leather, paint, marble, polly plate furniture, etc.

low beer cleaning method

1400 ml ale boil, add 14 grams of sugar and 28 grams beeswax and stir well to mix. When the mixture is cooled, dip in with soft cloth after polished wood, such as besmirch wipe clean with clear water again after wipe off the residue, finally dry with a soft dry cloth.

low egg white cleaning method

the time is long, the home of white leather sofa in a few places especially stubborn dirt, let a person have a headache. At this time, you can take a suitable amount of egg white, dip in with cotton, repeatedly wipe the surface of leather sofa leather products such as a dirty place. This method is used in leather goods clean particularly effective, and has certain polishing effect in the egg white, after using leather will present the original luster.

low white vinegar cleaning method

with white vinegar and hot water blended in a ratio of 1:1 to gently wipe furniture surface besmirch, if the stains are difficult to remove, can stay in a little vinegar water stains on the surface, then rub hard with a soft cloth. Because of acetic acid to soften dirt from the surface of the furniture. This method is suitable for the maintenance of annatto furniture, and other furniture cleaning after contaminated with oil ink, etc.

low lemon cleaning method

if the polish or the varnish on the wood, inadvertently been thermal hot very hot mark, can use first lemon slice, lemon juice or dipped the cloth to wipe, and then soaked in hot water in the soft cloth to wipe, final reoccupy fast dry soft cloth to wipe, can restore the original light.

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