Bask in solid wood furniture how to maintain

by:James Bond Furniture     2021-02-05

furniture maintain marketer bask in solid wood furniture to maintain.

first of all, should pay attention to furniture surface cleaning maintenance. Solid wood furniture surface coated with paint, paint film to its maintenance and maintenance is particularly important. Film once destroyed not only affect beautiful, and will further affect the internal structure of products, so often should keep the furniture clean. Every day with pure cotton dry soft cloth gently wipe furniture surface dust, every once in a while, with a twist dry wet cotton cloth furniture hellhole dust carefully wipe, then use clean dry fine soft cotton cloth to wipe dry. At ordinary times, after dry can also give furniture wax coated with a thin layer of high quality light, like a clean leather gently brush try out the luster. Do not only maintain the solid wood furniture, also increased its light, but you should be careful to choose light wax, must not use inferior products containing chemical composition.

second, avoid using alcohol, gasoline, or other chemical solvent except the stain. Solid wood furniture surface stains, if any, never tried hard to clean, available tea remove stain gently warm, wait until after the water evaporation on the original parts with a little light wax, and then gently tried several times to form a protective film. At ordinary times should pay attention to don't let the noise of hard metal products or other sharp object collision furniture, to protect its surface appear trace bruised. In addition, such as indoor summer flood tide, appropriate use of thin rubber gasket separates furniture from the ground contact area, at the same time keep the furniture parts against the wall with wall of 0. 5 ~ 1 cm distance gap.

in addition, solid wood furniture to stay away from heat, avoid direct sunlight. In winter, it is best to furniture is put in the flow of about 1 meter distance heating place, avoid long time baking, thus to prevent dryness and deformation of the wood. Avoid outdoor sunshine to the whole furniture or bureau minister time exposure, its placement in the best can avoid direct sunlight, or use the transparent gauze curtain separates the sunlight.

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